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Why Transfer Test
Scores Drop During July/August

Transfer Test scores for my son or daughter have dropped when we practice over the summer holidays. Why have scores dropped??



Here we explain why Transfer Test scores might drop.


We are often asked by interested parents “Why have the transfer test scores dropped when we practice over the summer?” Parents are worried that this may indicate a real problem as they approach September and the return to school.


As a P6 and P7 teacher I often found that with lots of children, even very bright children, marks dropped over the summer and after the summer holidays. Children see the summer as a time to relax and enjoy the break from school and most don’t want to be doing school work during July and August. They don’t see or understand the potential importance of this extra transfer test practice.


Children know that they will be doing more and more practice papers but when they return to school in September and it can be hard to motivate them to practice during July/August. Parents can become frustrated that their children will not “buy into” this extra practice and often children will pick up on this concern.


Hard work done over the summer months will make a difference to their marks when they return to school even though initially, they may appear to be getting worse.


Come September many schools will continue revision of English and maths skills before moving on to use practice material that reflects the actual AQE or GL Transfer Test papers. Marks may dip as children are presented with properly printed and presented practice papers, that resemble the actual tests, which they have not seen before – plus the quantity of preparation in school can be quite daunting for some children.


So, what is the fix for this common concern for parents?


You will know your child better than anyone so pick and choose what suits you and your child the best.


1) Try to practice at the same time each day. Early in the morning can be best and then the work is done.


2) Sit with your child as they work so that they do not see the extra work as punishment.


3) Don’t compare this child and their scores with any siblings/friends/relatives etc. They already know how they performed in the transfer test and don’t need to be reminded !


4) If asking your child to practice tests that resemble the actual exam use quality material that accurately reflects the actual tests – obviously our material hits the mark !!


5) Try not to become too anxious yourself as your child will almost certainly pick up on your concerns and this only increases the pressure on your child.


As a teacher with many years’ experience preparing children for the Transfer Test, I have used this experience to write and compile material which, I feel, closely represent the question types and format used in both the AQE and GL transfer tests.


We hope that this is of some use and best wishes to you all for success in The Transfer Test.














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