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SEAG Transfer Test Exam
Spellings List

Transfer Test spelling and language lists can be found all over the place and not one of these lists will cover all conceivable words that may occur in the  new SEAG format Transfer Test. The list that we offer covers a wide range of words that we feel may be a valuable list of appropriate words that may appear in this new version of the Transfer Test.

Transfer Test spelling list

The new SEAG version of the Transfer Test require your child to have an extensive vocabulary and be able to spell swiftly and accurately so that they can work quickly through the difficult questions that they will have to answer.​


A good vocabulary is essential for success in the Transfer Test.


Why is a spelling and vocabulary list for the Transfer Test so important?


A list of key words and how they are spelt is vital because that list will contain words that may have been used in the earlier versions of the Transfer Tests or words which Transfer Test publishers have used in their tests.


Knowing or learning these words will give a child a better chance of success in their Transfer Test as knowledge will build confidence.


Some of these words may have been used by many of the major Transfer Test providers.


Our list contains some difficult words that a child may know of as part of their daily teaching but at the same time these are not common words. Some of the words in the list are words that are often spelt incorrectly or the meaning may not be too easy for a child to understand.


After you have scrolled through the list you can print it, using the button, and keep it as a valuable resource for reference or

teaching and learning.

















































How can I encourage my child to grow their vocabulary?


This may seem a simple query and really the answer is quite straight forward. Mostly children progress their vocabulary by reading widely and across a wide sort of material. These genres will include fiction and non-fiction. Reading will make familiar words become common knowledge to a child while at the same time reading will teach the child a range of new and different words. Try to inspire your child to read by presenting them with texts that they enjoy.



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