SEAG Test Maths Specification
Mathematics questions will be based entirely upon the content and syllabus of the Northern Ireland Mathematics Curriculum for Key Stage 2.
Pupils will be expected to show knowledge, understanding and skills in processes in
Mathematics by demonstrating a range of strategies for problem solving, interpreting
situations mathematically using appropriate symbols or diagrams.
In Mathematical Reasoning, pupils will be expected to recognise general patterns and
relationships and make predictions about them, responding to open-ended or multiple choice
They will be required to show a knowledge and understanding of Number and Number
Notation; Patterns, Relationships and Sequences in Number; Operations and their
Applications; Measurement; Shape and Space; Position, Movement and Direction; Data
Handling; Money; and Probability.
The content to be assessed in these areas is:
Whole numbers, digits signifying value.
Decimals up to two decimal places/ability to multiply by 10, 100 and 1000.
Estimates and approximations to nearest 10 or 100.
Addition and subtraction, mentally two two-digit numbers up to 100 and up to two decimal places; multiplications (to 10 x 10) and divisions; and multiplication and division of decimals by whole numbers.
Vulgar and decimal fractions and percentages; relationships and equivalence among these.
Patterns and sequences of whole numbers, including steps, doubling and halving,multiplication patterns and predicting sequential numbers.
Prime, square and cube numbers; understanding indices, square and triangular numbers or series.
Use of simple function machines.
Use of a letter to represent a whole number (as in 6+a = 24).
Length, weight, volume, capacity, time, area and temperature.
Metric terms: metre, gram, litre, and prefixes kilo, centi and milli.
Relationships between units, knowing kilograms and grams are used for food; converting one metric unit to another, such as 175 centimetres equalling 1.75 metres.
Multiplication, division, addition and subtraction up to two decimal places.
Calculating differences between two temperatures and reading from a given scale including negative temperatures (Celsius only).
Calculating perimeter of simple shapes; finding area by counting squares and volumes by counting cubes; calculating areas and volumes of two and three dimensional shapes.
Calculating and using scale to measure distance.
Recognising time on the analogue clock and knowing relationship between twelve and twenty-four-hour clock, including a.m. and p.m.; timetables involving twenty-fourhour clock.
Shape and Space
Regular and irregular 2-D shapes; classifying these though examination of angles and sides; reflect shapes; name and describe quadrilaterals, circles, triangles, and polygons.
Solid geometry: name and describe common 3-D shapes including cubes, cuboids, cones, cylinders, spheres, triangular prisms and pyramids.
Use of geometrical properties to solve problems.
Investigate ¼, ½, ¾ and whole turns; understand clockwise and anti-clockwise; eight points of the compass; co-ordinates to plot points within the first quadrant and draw shapes.
Language and properties related to line and angle, including vertical, horizontal, perpendicular, parallel, acute, obtuse and reflex.
Investigate angles in triangles, including scalene, right-angled, equilateral and isosceles; quadrilaterals, including square, rectangle, rhombus, kite, parallelogram and trapezium.
Line symmetry.
Problem solving using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Estimation and approximation.
Computation of change up to £10.
Interpreting a calculator display.
Language of probability including certain, uncertain, likely, unlikely, impossible and fair.
Place events in order of likelihood; understand and use the idea of fifty-fifty, and calculation of probability in use of a die.
Data Representation
Record, represent and interpret numerical data using graphs, tables and diagrams, including Venn, block graphs, bar charts, bar-line graphs and line graphs with axis starting at zero.
Interpret range of graphs and diagrams including pie-chart, frequency tables and tallying methods.
Calculate and use mean and range of a set of discrete data.
Pupils will not be expected to know Imperial units, will be limited to calculating scale from
simple drawings, will not be set questions on meaning of congruence in 2-D shapes, will not
need to measure or draw angles and assess only internal angles of triangles and