Online SEAG Transfer Test Tutor and Preparation
Online SEAG Transfer Test Tutoring and Preparation - a review of the best available. We describe the benefits of this product and what it can do to help you and your child(ren). It provides exciting and fun online SEAG practice. Online learning to break the boredom of written SEAG Transfer Test Papers.
The best Online remote learning SEAG Transfer Test app? Incredible value at just £5.00 per month.
This Online Transfer Test App by , is the best Transfer Test APP that we have seen, it provides almost unlimited access to Online practice in English and maths and is ideal for the SEAG Transfer Test.
The Maths and English questions are based upon the Northern Ireland curriculum at Key Stage 2. It is this curriculum that the new SEAG Transfer Tests are based.
Benefits that we like: -
The tests are referred to as Quizzes – a title that will appeal to children rather the more intimidating title of “tests.”
The quizzes presented in each subject are divided into bite-size topic sections of Maths and English.
There is the option to take a 50-question timed test in either English or Maths.
This Online Tutor App requires the child to read the question and then type in an answer to get professional feedback.
Practice quizzes can be taken and then reviewed by the parent and child.
Parents can receive email notification, with a direct link to review the work, when their child takes a quiz.
All the work is instantly marked by the soft-ware and professional feedback is provided when the child attempts a question.
Fun and interactive for any child in their digital age!
In my teaching experience, an online learning platform that doesn't encourage a child to actually answer the question is worthless.
This is a very powerful and easy to use online SEAG Transfer Test Tutoring system that has been recommended by the BBC Bite-Size education website. It will save parents so much time and support them and their child through the SEAG Transfer Tests.
A very clever scoring and reporting system helps both children and parents to easily identify areas which require further practice while subject areas or topics which the child is confident with can be checked as “completed.”
This Transfer Test APP affords an excellent online alternative to written papers. We have tried it on desk-tops, laptops and ipads. It works well and it is the only Transfer Test online system that we can confidently recommend.
You can visit and register for free access and then you can purchase a subscription to suit you and your child - incredibly priced at £5.00 per month.