GL English Test-Content & Format
Content and format of the GL English Transfer Test
GL Transfer Test English - the detail.
The GL Transfer Test has a maths paper and an English paper. There have been changes to both papers for the 2021 Transfer Test.
Here we look at the format of the English paper.
The GL English paper is usually split into two sections.
1. Reading and understanding written passages
2. Spelling & Punctuation. English grammar in simple terms.
Set into these sections there are a number of areas that are usually covered.
1. A fiction or non-fiction reading passage
2. A poetry reading comprehension
3. A spelling section
4. A punctuation section
The Answer Sheet
As this is a multiple choice exam there will be slight differences between the answer choices in the different sections of the English paper.
The reading sections will have an 5 choices ie an A - E option available on the answer sheet. One of these will be the correct answer.
The second section related to spelling & punctuation (grammar) will have again have 5 choices as follows:- A-D options as well as an 'N' option. The "N" option is chosen when there is "No error" in the question. This "N" choice can be difficult for children to follow so clear explanation is essential.
How are the marks applied?
The reading and written passages will have a total of 32 questions and this calculates as 64% of the total score available.
The spelling & punctuation (grammar) will have a total 18 questions and this will equal 36% of the total score available.
That makes a total of 50 questions and children will have 50 minutes to complete the paper.
For 2021 written/reading passages will use content from the 20th Century onwards. This should ensure that the passages used are more straightforward for children to understand.
** This information is provided for guidance only and while the content is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate we cannot be held in any way responsible for any errors or omissions that it may contain. Please contact your LA or chosen grammar school for all admission and Transfer Test queries.**