Cambridge House Grammar

Cambridge House Grammar School a brief overview.
Cambridge House School was founded in 1910 and until 1929 it occupied a house in Audley Terrace, Ballymena. Initially it began as a girls’ school, with a few boys attending until they were 13 years old. By 1930 there were 113 pupils and by 1963 there were over 350 and the school required larger accommodation. Cambridge House moved to its present site in 1973 and was joined the following year by Cambridge House Boys’ Grammar School which opened on the same site. The schools operated separately from year 8 until year 13 when the schools worked together. This worked for a period but was not an entirely satisfactory situation and in 2001, the two schools merged to form today’s Cambridge House Grammar School.
Cambridge House Grammar School uses the new SEAG Single Entrance Transfer Test results as part of its intake criteria into year 8.